Femmes Digitales started in response to a gender gap in TECH. Only 25% of the top innovation firms are led by women. In 2018, women accounted for only 20% of Fortune 500 Chief Innovation Officers. There’s a gender wage gap of 16% between men and women in STEM occupations.
We want to change these numbers. We know we need a seat at the table. And we’re working to make that happen.
From 1980 to 2010, 88% of all IT patents were by male-only invention teams, while 2% were by female-only invention teams.
Today, only 25% of computing jobs are held by women. This is a number that has been on a steady decline for years.
Only 5% of leadership positions in the tech sector are held by women; they make up only 7% of partners at top 100 venture capital firms.
of females say a career in technology is their first choice
of students can’t name a famous female working in technology
of females have had a career in technology suggested to them (33% of males)
of leadership positions in the technology sector are held by women
The Gender Gap in computing is getting worse
In 1995, 37% of computer scientists were women. Today, it’s only 24%. The percent will continue to decline if we do nothing. We know that the biggest drop off girls in computer science is between the ages of 13 and 17.

As in most STEM-oriented field areas, women representation in the area of technology entrepreneurship remains low. Globally, only 17.3% of all VC funding deals go to companies with at least one female founder, while only 4.6% go to those with exclusively female founders (FT, 2019). In terms of SME ownership, ITC’s SME surveys show that only one in five business owners and/or managers are women, while the 2018 EQUALS report on Gender Equality cites that 19.5% or less of senior management positions in technology firms are held by women

of the 430.000 Chief Innovation Officers are women.

of all VC dollars went to start-ups founded by women.

of the world´s top 50 most innovative companies are lead by female CEOs.

of the world´s top 50 most innovative companies are founded by women.
Quick facts about Azerbaijan:
- Women’s employment rate is 59.4% in comparison with the 66.8% of that of men
- Of all employed women, 62% are engaged in vulnerable employment in comparison with 48.5% that of men
- The average nominal monthly salary for women is 360.8 AZN, compared to 670.2 AZN for men which constitutes to 53.8% Gender Wage Gap
- Women entrepreneurs make up 21.5% of the total number of entrepreneurs
- Women occupy 10.2% of senior and mid-level managerial positions in the civil service